Alison's Home Page Alison's Resume Sean's Home Page Sean and Alison's Home Page
Welcome to Alison's Home Page
I hope you find something interesting...
The many blogs of Alison.
I have created 3 blogs for myself. Check them out. There is also a blog for Sean and myself on various things going on with us for trips, with the cats and just whatever else. The Sean and Alison Blog
What I'm up to
For those who don't know, I'm working at Microsoft these days. And for those who just fainted, make sure you haven't hurt yourself. :) I've been here as a contractor since Decmeber and I really love it. Trust me, no one is more surprised than me. I'm not doing much coding, but the people are nice to work with, and I stay amused.

At home I'm working on a number of programming things. Obviously I'm doing my best to get the Sean and Alison site back up to date. It's slow, but it's coming. I'm also working on Sandler Culinary Arts website for Chef Hope Sandler. I'm running the Shawnee Indians Class of 1984 website, but that has calmed down after the reunion. I'm also working on creating functionality for Anne and Brian's websites.

Sean and I have started talking about working on the recipe software again. Slowly we're getting there.

In the late fall I'm going to start sending feelers about jobs. I have plans for much of December, but I'd like to have something lined up after the first of the year, so if you know of anything, give a yell.
New Stuff
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Photo Gallery
Shawnee Indians Class of 84
Shawnee Indians Class of 83
Alison's Main Blog
Alison's Books Sub-blog
Alison's Cooking Sub-blog
Anne's Blog
Brian's Blog
Hope's Blog
Sean and Alison's Blog